2011年8月29日 星期一


Has he ever been involved with someone who is not brainiac?

He has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college.

You are asking me to keep a secret? Well, i am sorry, but you have had to express that desire before reveal that secret. so that i could choose whether or not i wanted to accept the covenant of secret keeping.

You can't impose a secret on an ex post facto basis.

Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor (很有技術含量滴!). One has to be concerned not only about one says, but about facial expression. Autonomic reflexes.

When i tried to deceive, i myself have more nerve tics than a lyme disease research facility.

So you are saying friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences?

2011年8月28日 星期日

Rate of speed equals distance over time

... or we can just wing it...
They exploit my complete lack of interest in what you were doing.

Well, let's assume your hypothesis, we went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kissed, where could i possibly gone wrong?

Think back, the littlest things can set women off. Like "hay, the waitress is so hot, i bet we could get her come home with us", or "how much does your mom weigh, i want to know what i am getting into".

Yeah! They also don't care for it. if you stare at them and hyperventilate. Sadly that's my home run swing. (我的拿手絕活).

Look, everything went fine, I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters.

Let's look at the tape. Look at her reaction to the good night kiss. No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest....

Interesting, her jaws are clinched. No tongue access. Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans.

2011年8月10日 星期三

We are gambling on our visions

Greek citizens carry the burden of a faltering economy.

American investors are keeping an eye on Greece and their effort to secure their bailout cash. Just a few hours ago, the country wrapped up talks with European Union and International Monetary Fund officials at an summit in Brussels. The focus: Greece's five-year austerity plan as the country works to avoid default.

On Wednesday, Parliament is set to vote on new measures, which include lowering minimum threshold for income tax to just over $11000 a year and a onetime tax between 1 to 5 percent depending on your income. Greece also agrees to impose a minimum tax on the self-employed.

But it's these austerity measures prompted this : protests on the street of Athens. They have been going on for several weeks outside parilament, and next week, the unions say they are going to hold a 48 hour strike.

This time a year ago, when Greece negotiated its first bailout package, we came to this furniture repair shop to find out how the austerity measures affect them. A year later, we're gonna find out what's happened in the meantime.

The boss has had to fire an employee since we last met. The other three work a reduced three-day week. Business is down 80% as demand has fallen away. The country is struggling under the weight of massive debt.

Then there are new taxes, which make everything more expensive.

It's the same story in many of the family-run business, so typical of the Greek private sector.

2011年7月12日 星期二

breaking the news

Who's going to break the news to SS?

You mean about pulling the plug on using their services?

Yeah, the contract we signed with them last year is almost up. And as we decided last month, we'll be going with other companies.

I think we should hold off on telling them until after all of our current projects are done. We still have two projects in the hopper.

Okay, but i don't want to drag our feet in telling them, even if we don't like their services. as a professional courtesy, we should let them know soon.

That may be true with the other companies, but SS has really let us down so many times last year, if we didn't have an air tight contract, we would have switched the company long ago.

Well, maybe they'll learn from their weakness. After all they have been in business for a long time.

But old habits die hard. If you asked me, the company is on its last legs. It's the matter of time before they lose all their customers at the rate they are going.

I don't know about that, but i do know one thing. It's a good thing you are not their PR rep.

2011年7月11日 星期一

Revenge is a dish best served cold

How about that, Einstein is wrong. What?
Approaching the speed of light doesn't slow down time, approaching them does.

Oh.. it's my mom... Are you going to answer that? I'm torn. She might be dying, and i wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, if i let it go to voicemail, i could play it over and over.

2011年7月9日 星期六


I bought a slipper for her, when she decided to stay in place overnight. That night we went to the lantern festival, there were so many people there, about hundreds of thousands people went to join the festival. Everybody was getting stuck at the train station, because thousands of people were hoping to make it to the platform of the railway, and the same there were thousands of people hoping to get outside for the festival.

Lin and I spent about an hour to move from the entrance of train station to the railway platform, it was so crowded, we couldn't even move at our own will, we were pushing by the people behind us. It's very uncomfortable, but when we finally got out of the crowd and make it to the railway platform. We couldn't help looking into each other's eyes and holding each other's hand more tightly. At that moment, I knew I love her.

Now, i look at the slipper which stays quietly in the corner of my room, covered with dust. All the memories suddenly jump out of my head, flowing through my eyes. I thought I forgot the details, but I was wrong. They are hard-wired in my head, in my blood, in my heart.

2011年7月8日 星期五

Loving someone

What is love actually?

Is it something makes you happy or makes you sad? In all the movies, they told us it's about both. When you start to care about someone else, when you are worried about him, when you are happy about him, when everything, every newspaper, every man or woman you see on the street reminds you that he is somewhere around there doing something at the very moment, ... then you're in love.

It's bitter sweet taste like green tea.

2011年7月7日 星期四

lost my cool

this movie baffles me every time we watch it. What do you mean? The instructions are very clear, don't feed the gremlins after midnight, don't get gremlins wet. How hard is that?

Oh~We are honey now, are we? Yeah, since their relationship became carnal, penny upgrades his designated term of endearment, thus distinguishing him from those she calls sweetie. Usually in an attempt to soften a thinly-veiled insult.

You are boring people, sweetie.

Although, sometimes, she omits the vail entirely.

Usually i go back to Taipei for thanksgiving, but this year they're calling it off on account of my brother's trial.

I guess I'll serve both. You guess, you don't seem to have much of a handle on it.

The bad news is he's getting deported?

I believe it means that the US government is going to expel him from the country. He could either return to his native india, Emigrate to another country that's willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate.

Another reason to consider life of piracy, even today, i understand that's an all-male profession.

What are doing for the last 6 months? You know, checking my email, updating facebook status, messing up Wikipedia entries.

And you are taking university's money under false pretenses?

2011年7月4日 星期一

weave back and forth

I do a lot of driving in my work. You might think that driving several hours each way would get old really fast, but i have ways of making the interminable drive seem more exciting.

I like to drive really fast. I passed through slower cars by staying in the passing lane. If there's a slow moving car in the passing lane, i tailgate it until the car moves over to another the lane. If the car doesn't move away, i weave back and forth from one lane to another until i get around it. What can i say, i just don't like anyone to keep me from the open road.

2011年6月24日 星期五

SyntaxHighLight Testing

Ok, this is to test syntax high light!

using System;

public class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)

Ok, actually we don't need syntax highlight, we just need to use
 tag the force browser show spaces correctly.