2011年4月15日 星期五

A friendly sentiment in this country, cruel taunt in the Sudan

No weapon strikes more fear into a man's heart, than a Klingon batleth... so my sword won't taste any blood tonight?

Well, he's even cunning than we thought.

So at least you get Sheldon's fake stuff back? No, we failed in our noble quest.

Ba-dum-bump. (當里個當)

Sure, Half a caret is fine, her freakishly small hands make anything look big -- that's one of the reason i love her. (walking away). Man, he's going to be blindsided?

I don't understand. The initial gossip indicated an impending breakup... I know, the group consensus is that his proposal will be met with humiliating, soul-crushing rejection. Everyone was set a twitter...Although oddly, no one tweeted.
