2011年8月29日 星期一


Has he ever been involved with someone who is not brainiac?

He has no business being involved with a waitress-slash-actress who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college.

You are asking me to keep a secret? Well, i am sorry, but you have had to express that desire before reveal that secret. so that i could choose whether or not i wanted to accept the covenant of secret keeping.

You can't impose a secret on an ex post facto basis.

Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor (很有技術含量滴!). One has to be concerned not only about one says, but about facial expression. Autonomic reflexes.

When i tried to deceive, i myself have more nerve tics than a lyme disease research facility.

So you are saying friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences?

2011年8月28日 星期日

Rate of speed equals distance over time

... or we can just wing it...
They exploit my complete lack of interest in what you were doing.

Well, let's assume your hypothesis, we went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kissed, where could i possibly gone wrong?

Think back, the littlest things can set women off. Like "hay, the waitress is so hot, i bet we could get her come home with us", or "how much does your mom weigh, i want to know what i am getting into".

Yeah! They also don't care for it. if you stare at them and hyperventilate. Sadly that's my home run swing. (我的拿手絕活).

Look, everything went fine, I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters.

Let's look at the tape. Look at her reaction to the good night kiss. No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest....

Interesting, her jaws are clinched. No tongue access. Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans.

2011年8月10日 星期三

We are gambling on our visions

Greek citizens carry the burden of a faltering economy.

American investors are keeping an eye on Greece and their effort to secure their bailout cash. Just a few hours ago, the country wrapped up talks with European Union and International Monetary Fund officials at an summit in Brussels. The focus: Greece's five-year austerity plan as the country works to avoid default.

On Wednesday, Parliament is set to vote on new measures, which include lowering minimum threshold for income tax to just over $11000 a year and a onetime tax between 1 to 5 percent depending on your income. Greece also agrees to impose a minimum tax on the self-employed.

But it's these austerity measures prompted this : protests on the street of Athens. They have been going on for several weeks outside parilament, and next week, the unions say they are going to hold a 48 hour strike.

This time a year ago, when Greece negotiated its first bailout package, we came to this furniture repair shop to find out how the austerity measures affect them. A year later, we're gonna find out what's happened in the meantime.

The boss has had to fire an employee since we last met. The other three work a reduced three-day week. Business is down 80% as demand has fallen away. The country is struggling under the weight of massive debt.

Then there are new taxes, which make everything more expensive.

It's the same story in many of the family-run business, so typical of the Greek private sector.

2011年7月12日 星期二

breaking the news

Who's going to break the news to SS?

You mean about pulling the plug on using their services?

Yeah, the contract we signed with them last year is almost up. And as we decided last month, we'll be going with other companies.

I think we should hold off on telling them until after all of our current projects are done. We still have two projects in the hopper.

Okay, but i don't want to drag our feet in telling them, even if we don't like their services. as a professional courtesy, we should let them know soon.

That may be true with the other companies, but SS has really let us down so many times last year, if we didn't have an air tight contract, we would have switched the company long ago.

Well, maybe they'll learn from their weakness. After all they have been in business for a long time.

But old habits die hard. If you asked me, the company is on its last legs. It's the matter of time before they lose all their customers at the rate they are going.

I don't know about that, but i do know one thing. It's a good thing you are not their PR rep.

2011年7月11日 星期一

Revenge is a dish best served cold

How about that, Einstein is wrong. What?
Approaching the speed of light doesn't slow down time, approaching them does.

Oh.. it's my mom... Are you going to answer that? I'm torn. She might be dying, and i wouldn't want to miss that. On the other hand, if i let it go to voicemail, i could play it over and over.

2011年7月9日 星期六


I bought a slipper for her, when she decided to stay in place overnight. That night we went to the lantern festival, there were so many people there, about hundreds of thousands people went to join the festival. Everybody was getting stuck at the train station, because thousands of people were hoping to make it to the platform of the railway, and the same there were thousands of people hoping to get outside for the festival.

Lin and I spent about an hour to move from the entrance of train station to the railway platform, it was so crowded, we couldn't even move at our own will, we were pushing by the people behind us. It's very uncomfortable, but when we finally got out of the crowd and make it to the railway platform. We couldn't help looking into each other's eyes and holding each other's hand more tightly. At that moment, I knew I love her.

Now, i look at the slipper which stays quietly in the corner of my room, covered with dust. All the memories suddenly jump out of my head, flowing through my eyes. I thought I forgot the details, but I was wrong. They are hard-wired in my head, in my blood, in my heart.

2011年7月8日 星期五

Loving someone

What is love actually?

Is it something makes you happy or makes you sad? In all the movies, they told us it's about both. When you start to care about someone else, when you are worried about him, when you are happy about him, when everything, every newspaper, every man or woman you see on the street reminds you that he is somewhere around there doing something at the very moment, ... then you're in love.

It's bitter sweet taste like green tea.

2011年7月7日 星期四

lost my cool

this movie baffles me every time we watch it. What do you mean? The instructions are very clear, don't feed the gremlins after midnight, don't get gremlins wet. How hard is that?

Oh~We are honey now, are we? Yeah, since their relationship became carnal, penny upgrades his designated term of endearment, thus distinguishing him from those she calls sweetie. Usually in an attempt to soften a thinly-veiled insult.

You are boring people, sweetie.

Although, sometimes, she omits the vail entirely.

Usually i go back to Taipei for thanksgiving, but this year they're calling it off on account of my brother's trial.

I guess I'll serve both. You guess, you don't seem to have much of a handle on it.

The bad news is he's getting deported?

I believe it means that the US government is going to expel him from the country. He could either return to his native india, Emigrate to another country that's willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate.

Another reason to consider life of piracy, even today, i understand that's an all-male profession.

What are doing for the last 6 months? You know, checking my email, updating facebook status, messing up Wikipedia entries.

And you are taking university's money under false pretenses?

2011年7月4日 星期一

weave back and forth

I do a lot of driving in my work. You might think that driving several hours each way would get old really fast, but i have ways of making the interminable drive seem more exciting.

I like to drive really fast. I passed through slower cars by staying in the passing lane. If there's a slow moving car in the passing lane, i tailgate it until the car moves over to another the lane. If the car doesn't move away, i weave back and forth from one lane to another until i get around it. What can i say, i just don't like anyone to keep me from the open road.

2011年6月24日 星期五

SyntaxHighLight Testing

Ok, this is to test syntax high light!

using System;

public class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)

Ok, actually we don't need syntax highlight, we just need to use
 tag the force browser show spaces correctly.

2011年6月21日 星期二


Julie grabbed a handful of lard out of the big can in the kitchen and rubbed it over blisters. "Now it won't burn so bad and probably won't even scar."

The blistered bottom gave me a good chance to lean forward at my desk that day and watch Clarence play with his little bugs, though.

We each had our own places at table, and we sat there for every meal. If one was absent, the chair was pushed up to the table.

Clarance splashed and sloshed the water in wash basin and came to the table with his red hair slick as clay mud and his round freckled face shining in the lamp light.

2011年6月14日 星期二


During recess, if we played hide-and-seek, Teddy let me get home free.

The pen didn't work, and the pencil was mashed on the end until lead wouldn't fit in it. But i flaunted the pen and pencil in front of the kids at school as if they were pure gold with a lifetime guarantee.

Winter came early in December and stayed. The first snow lay on the ground like a dirty white blanket and waited for fresh snow to fall and cover it.

One bitter cold day, Dad and Jesse butchered the hogs and our two pet lambs. I cried over my lamb, but mom said it has to be done. There wasn't enough feed for them.

The attic room never got warm. Dad didn't believe in wasting heat or using up stove wood to heat a bedroom. When Mom called us to get up for school, we'd grab our clothes in our arms and race downstairs to crowd around the roaring red-hot stove to get dressed. The heat didn't spread far from the stove, so we had to stand closer to any benefit from the fire.

One day, i was standing too near the stove when i bent over to pull on my underwear. I yelled, leaped away like a scalded cat, and fell over Robert, who was sitting on floor with a blanket around him. He became bawling and squalling, making more noise than i was.

2011年6月13日 星期一



In the fall of the year, peers ripen and rot on the trees in Bishop's backyard because the kids are not allowed to pick up his pees.

The teacher doesn't want to be bothered with her, because of her lisp. She finally just sat in whichever grade she had books for.

I prayed a silent prayer that i wouldn't be a slow learner and still be in sixth grade when i was sixteen. Frieda hardly spoke in class because of her harelip, but on our way to and from Bishop's well that week, she spoke like a blue jay.

We will have to carry it when it's cold and snowing and wade through mud when it rains.

I didn't know which one is Teddy, but he must be the stupidest boy in school, i figured. Probably ugly, too, with big feet and overalls that struck him halfway to his knees like all the other boys; and a dirty shirttail flapping out.

He was a shy, slightly built boy with dark curls that fell over his forehead, nearly hiding his solemn brown eyes. Teddy rarely smiled, and when he did, his face and eyes lit up like a freshly trimmed coal-oil lamp.

I was a homely, rough-and-tumble, towheaded tomboy., but he chose me for his best girl, anyway.

2011年6月2日 星期四

virtual military operation

Snow clearance in Helsinki is a virtual military operation. Every 10 seconds, a trunk arrives, dumps the snow and leaves. Only with this sort of precision can they keep the city moving in the depths of winter.

Unlike many of its European neighbors, Vantaa Airport stayed operational throughout winter. It prides itself on having an infallible maintenance program. Thanks to the specialized fleet of machines, this slick operation can clear a runway in as little as four minutes.

Helsinki has barriers that have restricted its growth. On the one side, there are the existing buildings, but then you have the water. So, between the buildings and harbor, there really is only one place to go - down below.

That's exactly what they are doing to avoid urban sprawl and maintain the low-rise cityscape.

2011年5月25日 星期三

In the interest of full disclosure

Have you ever kissed a girl?
Other than my mother, my sister and my mee-maw, no. But in the interest of full disclosure, i was once on a bus, and had to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to an elderly nun who passed out from heat exhaustion.

I totally want to see Sheldon dance. I bet he looks like a spider on hot plate. Really? I don't see why that's surprising. I excel at too many things. You've had my sourdough bread.

Did you take dance lessons? Against my will, in the south, preadolescent children are forced through a process called cotillion, which indoctrinates them with all the social graces and dance skills, needed to function in 18th century Vienna.

Well, what's your cotillion training say is expected of a gentleman when three ladies ask him to escort them to a dance soiree?

It's hard to say no to yoo-hoo. The name literally beckons.

2011年5月22日 星期日

Refer that to my attorney

Greek food on pizza night? This's the most delightfully cruel thing we've done to Sheldon, since we left that fake message from Steven Hawking on his voice mail.

I'd like to refer that to my attorney.

Interesting, can you just switch restaurants like that?
Good question, it turns you can't. According to the document you drew up, Sheldon, the selection of a new takeout restaurant requires public hearings and a 60-day comment period. Were those criteria met?


Fine, i am nothing if not adaptable.

I got you the lamb kabob.

Well, if you think about it, Greek food is not that far from Italian food, they a spice palette. And what a civilization is the Greeks! They gave science, democracy, and little cubes of charred meat that taste like sweat.

I am sorry, i am meeting Amy and Bernerdette for dinner. But you are welcome to tag along.

Really, tobacco and alcohol ? Need i remind you not a lot scientific discoveries were made by people having a good time.

Why did you bring him? He's hushing my buzz.

2011年5月16日 星期一


According roommate agreement, paragraph 9 , section B, the right to bathroom privacy is suspended in the event of force majeure.

Dr. Huang, you are officially charged with two violations of the roommate agreement. Do you waive reading of the charges?

All right, based on a cursory reading. It doesn't look like you have much of a case...

A bathroom emergency is self-explanatory... Is it, if Rich forgot to trim his nose hair, can he barge in while you were showering?

My point is, the legal principle is, ambiguity in a contract benefits the party that did not draft it.

About the shower capacity issue, i cited appendix J - while sheldon showers second, any and all measures shall be taken to ensure an adequate supply of hot water. It superseded the capacity issue.

2011年5月12日 星期四


I got a notice from my bank. It said two of my check are bounced. That's so strange. I've never had an overdraft in my life.

Well, let's check your bank statement.

One of my patient has a medical condition that can be spread to her family, but she doesn't want to tell them. They are in danger of developing serious medical problems. I don't want to breach doctor-patient confidentiality.

I took Hippocratic oath to do no harm. How can i keep her secret and still adhere to that oath?

2011年5月5日 星期四

plie , releve

i think it's lovely you call your mommy and let her know you're going to be late for dinner. From what i know about these things, if a woman doesn't breast-feeding on time, it's very uncomfortable for her boobies.

Excellent, Excellent. Tire each other out, the ring will be mine. Howard, why don't you go after Raj's mother?

2011年5月4日 星期三

That was our line in the sand

Oh, no, you didn't trade the food for magic beans, did you?
...of course not, and technically, magic beans would be food. Although eating them would be quite a waste, since you can plant them, and overnight, have a giant beanstalk, which would provide enough roughage for a small town.
Yeah... sometimes i don't listen, sometimes i just watch you jaw go up and down.

seedy underbelly -- underground market.

I don't understand why in this group i never get my way... You always get your way! ... i'll stipulate to that if you give me the ring.

stipulate -- to state clearly and firmly that something must be done.

Can you hold on to it for a few days? It's a prop from a movie, and we're kind of fighting over it.
Okay, just to clear, the first piece of jewelry my boyfriend gives me is a prop from a movie, and i don't even get to keep it?
If you had gone out with me three years ago, by now, you'd have my great Aunt Ida's brooch that she smuggled out of occupied Belgium in a cat.

I get straight to the point. My client's prepared to surrender any interest he has in the ring in exchange for two Kawasaki jet skis. We are not giving him two jet skis... Look we are big boys, why don't we cut the chase and meet in the middle. One jet skis, done and done?
No jet skis!
Alright, forget the jet skis.
Forget the jet skis? That was our line in the sand!

2011年5月3日 星期二

It's the real deal

He said this isn't a replica, it's the real deal.

if you're suggesting this is the actual ring of power forged by Sauron in Mount Doom, i look at you with an expression of exhaustion and ever so slight amusement.


No, it's not yours, we all went in on the box together.

... Well, yes, but i found it in the box, and the laws of maritime salvage clearly state that the finder of a sunken treasure is the owner of the treasure.

Ok, that's a lot of money, the wise thing to do is invest it in something pratical. like a jet ski... Why do you want a jet ski? All the wealthy and beautiful people in movies ride jet skis. That can't just be a coincidence.

2011年5月2日 星期一

You are making a mountain out of a molehill

She should be fired for her inflammatory comment... oh, not again... You are making a mountain out of a molehill. He was just expressing his own opinion.

But that's offensive opinions. Mark my words! In one week, people will be up in arms calling for her head on a platter.

I don't think so. People are forgetful. And actually, it's just a tempest in a teapot.

2011年4月27日 星期三


Perfectly formed miniature human being.

I want a boyfriend whose roommate isn't a giant pain in the ass.

You really need to find a better of dealing with penny... What am i supposed to do? Eat French toast on a Monday? Now that would be impossible.

I am just saying, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar... you can catch more flies with manure. What's your point?

What are the odds? Easily calculable. We begin by identifying a set of married couples, with nnisex names. We then eliminate those unqualified for restaurant work -- the aged, the imprisoned, the limbless, for example, ..next we look at ...

Wait, it's an amazing coincidence, can we leave it at that?

What are you doing? You said be nice to Penny, i believe offering chocolate to someone falls within the definition of nice.

is the missus speaking for the couple now?

They are gonna get beaten up at that night club... They are gonna get beaten up at the walgreens.

2011年4月22日 星期五

The odour of decay rose from the dead bodies...

The odour of decay rose from the dead bodies, mingling with the smell of the fires in the air.

The aircraft bombed the parts of the city of Warsaw under German control and carried out airdrops over the city centre by night. The artillery fire from the east was getting stronger at the same time.

2011年4月19日 星期二

The rebellion was to begin at five o'clock.

In only a few minutes, i just couldn't believe it. During the years of occupation, political rumours had constantly circulated in the city, announcing events that never materialized.

2011年4月18日 星期一

she shed tears over my plight

I could see the fireworks display from my window. There was a growling noise in the east, scarcely audible at first, then growing stronger and stronger.

2011年4月15日 星期五

A friendly sentiment in this country, cruel taunt in the Sudan

No weapon strikes more fear into a man's heart, than a Klingon batleth... so my sword won't taste any blood tonight?

Well, he's even cunning than we thought.

So at least you get Sheldon's fake stuff back? No, we failed in our noble quest.

Ba-dum-bump. (當里個當)

Sure, Half a caret is fine, her freakishly small hands make anything look big -- that's one of the reason i love her. (walking away). Man, he's going to be blindsided?

I don't understand. The initial gossip indicated an impending breakup... I know, the group consensus is that his proposal will be met with humiliating, soul-crushing rejection. Everyone was set a twitter...Although oddly, no one tweeted.

2011年4月14日 星期四

Stale Pastry

Stale pastry is a hollow succor to man who is bereft of ostrich.
- bereft: completely lacking something
- succor: assistance

I was just dropping off a cheesecake to you.

I took him to the beach once, he almost burst into frames like a vampire.

So what's the thing i get for turning him into quality boyfriend material? I have to tiptoe around his new girl friend.

I don't think my character should be in a place like this, everyone is undressing her with their eyes.

Are you upset? No, no, i think it's sexy to date a boy trapped in a man's body... And people think i don't get sarcasm.

Four women walk down the stairs, how many reach the lobby?

Did your sister say anything when you got home last night? oh, no , don't put me in the middle of this. I don't wan't to be your go-between.

The name and the address drip with evil.

This is google earth shot of their house... Excellent, it is in a cul-de-sac. We can box him in.

Tonight we are going to take back our dignity and birthright.

I don't know if i can ditch Preya two nights in a row.... Come on, man, Bros before ....

If you want your relationship with Leonard to continue, you're going to believe whatever wild-eyed, cockamamie excuse the white devil has the nerve to offer you.

2011年4月13日 星期三

picked clean

My 85 blood mage has been picked clean, like carcass in the desert sun.

I am sorry for your loss, but the LA police department doesn't have jurishdiction in ... Pandora.

Can you at least refer me to a rogue ex-cop?

You know, one who was drummed off the force because he refused to play by the rules, and now he hires himself out to impose his own brand of rough justice?

This act of aggression must be met with swift and cruel ferocity. It's time to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.

2011年4月12日 星期二


We postulate an alternate world that differs from ours in one key aspect and then poses questions to each other.

Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert!

Toilet! That's a little vulgar for the dinner table don't you think?

A juvenile amalgamation of our names.

They can't function without me. I am the social glue that holds this little group together.

She is not my girl friend. She is a girl and she is my friend, but there's no touching or unsanitary exchange of saliva. Although for the record, on one occasion, she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly from the corner of my mouth. It's an action we both regret to this day.

You're intimidated by Amy's intellect.

2011年4月11日 星期一


I am such a blabbermouth.

We need to fabricate a tantalizing piece of gossip.

A friendly sentiment in this country, cruel taunt in the Sudan.

pun intended?

Let him get it out, and let the chips fall where they may.

i am thinking the future historian will condemn us for not taking this opportunity to kill Sheldon.

Why on earth would we have sex?
Oh, honey, did your mom not have the talk with you? You know, when your private parts started growing?
I am quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce, which is messy, unsanitary, and based on living next to your for three years, involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity.

A robot hand's got a death grip on your junk, dude.

How did you 171 mem? Simple extrapolation. In the three years that i've known you, you were single for two. During that time i saw 17 different suitors. If we work backwards correcting for observation bias and postulate an initial dating age of 15...

Now assuming the left side of a bell curve peaking around the present, that would bring total up to 193 men. Plus and minus 8 men.

This is very interesting. Cultural perceptions are subjective.

2011年4月5日 星期二

The King's Speech

In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, i send to every household of my peoples, both at and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling of you as if i were able to cross your threshold and speak to you my self.

For second time in the lives of most of us we are at war. Again and again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict. For we are called, with our allies, to meet the challenge of principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world.

This principle which permits a state, in the selfish pursuit of power, to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges; which sanctions the use of force, or threat of force, against the sovereignty and independence of other states. Such principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right; and if this principle were established throughout the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of Nations would be in danger. But far more than this -- the people of the world would be kept in the bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of the security of justice and liberty among nations would be ended.

This is the ultimate issue which confronts us. For the sakes of all that we ourselves hold dear, and of the world's order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge.

It is to this high purpose the I now call my people at home and my people across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I asked them to stay calm, firm, and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service and sacrifice it may demand, the, with God's help, we shall prevail.

2011年4月3日 星期日

Two days from work

It's kind cloudy today. Weather report says the temperature would drop about 3~5 degree. So i guess it would be a good time for video game and for programming -- in case i got bored with the game.

2011年4月2日 星期六

All about sex

I just had a fight with my girl friend. She's very angry about me ignorance of making a plan for our holiday. But, actually, i did. When she first invited me to her place to spend a night on the weekend. My plan was to have sex with her all day long (if i could make it...). But then, she called me again, telling me that her brother was going to come home, which meant it's gonna be super strange if i spent a night there.

So i decided to go back to Hsinchu -- once i found there's no chance for sex, I started to feel so tired and so boring, only the video game could help a little. When she heard i am going back to Hsinchu, she was so peaced off. She got out of my car going straight away.

Maybe if i was not being so crazy about sex, i would somehow find something to do with girl friend tomorrow. Now, all i want is sex, sex , sex...; for other things, i feel like, boring, boring, boring...

Am I sick?

2011年3月31日 星期四

A day off

It's a beautiful day. Good weather, good mood, and no work to do -- YES! I took a day off.

But, the strange thing is, the more free time i have, the fewer things I do. That's one of my problem I think. Having difficulties to stick to my own plan. I used to update my plan every week, because I would always miss the check points and mile stones of my plan in just one week. So when i was in college, I thought, well, since i would never be able to follow my plan, why not just give it up, why not just "no plan"? Everything could be just ... spontaneous.

So... as you can see, I completed nothing in college...

Is it about willpower? Maybe that's why i choose warriors in RPG games.

2011年3月30日 星期三


Damn, i just couldn't sleep well, because i had to pee at least once at night. That would interrupt my sleep, hence make me feel so tired in the morning. I went to see a doctor several times, had some medical check, but nothing found. I hate to go to hospital, it's a waste of life. You have to sit there, waiting, going in a trance...

When it's finally your turn to get in to the little, you find the doctor is already exhausted, not really very careful about your case. Especially i look so young, they always think i am just too busy, or being under some pressure of work or something -- they just can't believe that i have some physical problem not psychological issue.

This is cool!

The web gadget that does the counting for how many visitor to this web site is kind of dumb. The counter increases by 1 every time i reload this web page. It should add a timer to protect from that, i think. But this is still a very cool system.

User doesn't need to know anything about HTML and is still capable of creating a very cool web site. Man! now think about how much time i paid for learning to create some web site like this. I feel like, damn, i should have known that some day this would come true -- everything becomes simpler and everyone can have his own web site for free.

In the end of the day, it's not about the technology -- it's still about the content.

It's about time

Well, I was so addicted to video games since I went to college. It did bring a lot of fun to me, but it also took too much of time from my life, causing short of sleep, bad learning attitude, and maybe distraction from what i should have focused to.

Maybe that's also why i just can't get a girl friend :)

Ok, so, it's about time to cut out video games from my life. Yes! It's about time to do this! Though i need to find some other stuff to fill the gap... That's why you see this article here. I am going to use this site to practice my English writing skill. So, let's see how long i can stick to this plan.